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Ozarks Chapter American Christian Writers

Newsletter Author BIOs

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Judy Bodmer is the author of When Love Dies (W Publishing Group) and What's in the Bible for Mothers (Bethany House). She is director of the Northwest Christian Writers Renewal conference each May. Visit her web at www.JudyBodmer.com.
Ada Brownell is an award-winning, 17-year newspaper reporter. She has sold more than 200 articles and stories to 40 Christian magazines. She also serves as OCACW’s Critique Group Coordinator. http://www.inkfromanearthenvessel.blogspot.com
Barbara Bryden writes out of her home in Olympia, WA. She has contributed poems, book reviews, devotionals, inspirational stories, and articles to various publications and books. God surprised her when he put together some of her seemingly disconnected talents and she began publishing Journeys in Prayer, a four page inspirational publication four years ago.
LeAnn Campbell is author of the Century Farm mystery series for 8-12 year-olds published by OakTara, two devotional books by Extreme Diva Media, Inc., and more than 1400 articles and columns. She co-edits "Christian Writers Fellowship's newsletter (Girard, KS) and writes monthly marketing columns for that newsletter and for "Heart of America Christian Writers Network" (HACWN). She blogs on Preserving Family Memories at: www.LeAnnCampbell.com and www.LeAnnCampbell.vpweb.com.
Jeanetta R Chrystie, ThD, PhD has sold more than 800 articles, newspaper columns, and devotions; plus 2 college texts and 5 poetry chapbooks in 40+ years of part-time writing. She serves our Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers as President and Program Chair. A retired professor, she is adjunt facilty for Judson University (Illinois). Her author website is www.ClearGlassView and Twitter handle is #ClearGlassView.
James Cole-Rous is our Managing Editor for the Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers' newsletter. He is also Director of Content for Network211. He recently authored a handbook for Christian speakers and Bible students titled "God's Honorable Mentions" in print and e-book formats, available from Amazon.com worldwide, and can be ordered from bookstores. He is completing his next book "The Girl Who Wouldn't Quit".
Athena Dean, founder of WinePress Publishing and three-time self-published author, has coached hundreds of authors through the daunting task of book production and promotion. Over the last 16 years she has helped bring the degree of credibility for self-published works up to the high level of acceptance in the industry it enjoys today. Athena functions as the Acquisitions Manager for WinePress Publishing Group and is President of the Northwest Christian Writers’ Association.

Leah Emrich

Her publications include 501 Great Jokes for Kids 8 to 88, Simple Wisdom for Successful Living, How to Survive With Only God’s Love, Sometimes God Gives Hugs, Faraway Garden of Fantasies and Fairy Tales. She has also had several articles and one poem published. Leah’s website is at leahemrick.com
Sue M. Ford has sold over 130 magazine pieces for children and adults. She writes for both secular and Christian magazines. Under her maiden name, Susan Uhlig, she also has two children’s books out. Check out more on her website: www.susanuhlig.com, which has a link to her blog about children’s books.
Tania Gray is a retired art teacher who enjoys painting and drawing, as well as writing poetry and prose, fiction and non-fiction. Tania is a founding member of the Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers (www.OzarksACW.org), and recently served as OCACW's Hospitality Coordinator for 5 years; and is also a past president of the Missouri State Poetry Society.

Barbara Gordon

Barbara is a member of the Christian Writers' Fellowship writer's group. She loves to study her Bible and write devotions.
Lydia E. Harris is a freelance writer in Seattle, WA. She volunteered in the Moms In Touch International prayer ministry and continues to pray for her adult children and grandchildren. Her book reviews, articles, devotionals, and columns have appeared in numerous publications including LifeWise, The Standard, and Advanced Christian Writer. Her column, “A Cup of Tea with Lydia,” is published across the U.S. and Canada. Contact: LydiaHarris@Qwest.net. Her book Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting is a Bible study available Fall 2010, see her web site at www.PreparingMyHeart.net .
Clint Kelly (www.clintkellybooks.com) is a communications specialist for Seattle Pacific University and a writer of quality nonfiction and suspense novels with combined book sales of more than 150,000 copies. In Carly Patterson: Be Strong (Positively for Kids! 2006), he tells the thrilling story of only the second U.S. athlete in Olympic history to win the All-Around gold in gymnastics. The Sensations Series (Zondervan), his newest fiction series, is a set of riveting novels based on the human senses. Nominated for the Christy Award, Clint has also written for a variety of national periodicals including American History Illustrated, Family Circle, and New Man. His article on Shane Hamman, “A Strong Man to Have Around,” will soon appear in Today’s Christian magazine. Clint and his wife, Cheryll, have four children and live in Everett, Washington. He is a frequent speaker and workshop leader at Christian writers conferences coast-to-coast, is an instructor in magazine writing for Discover U, and is former director of the Seattle Pacific University Christian Writers Renewal.
  Pat Lamb
Agnes Lawless, a former teacher, and author or coauthor of seven books, including The Drift into Deception; God's Character: A Study of His Attributes; Under His Wings: God's Protection in China; and Keys to God's Heart: Unlocking Leviticus. She has published numerous article is such magazines as Decision and Power for Living. She also copyedits and proofreads books for various publishers.
Carolyn F. Meagher writes from her light-filled study in North Central Washington. After a career in organizational communications, she gladly returned to freelance writing. She's been published in Guideposts Magazine, The Secret Place, Mature Years, Christian Communicator, and other publications. Her contest column also appears in Northwest Christian Author. She's the author of Seasoned with Love: Heart-healthy Recipes and Reflections about Food, Family, Faith, and Friends (SpringBoard Publishing). Tell her about your contest experiences—win or lose. Contact her at carolynmeagher@yahoo.com. ©2010 by Carolyn F. Meagher. All rights reserved.
Cecil Murphey - The Man Behind the Words - is a NY Times bestselling author and international speaker who has written, cowritten, or ghostwritten more than 100 books and 1,000 articles. He has been a full-time writer since 1984. 90 Minutes in Heaven, a book he wrote with Don Piper, has sold more than three million copies and has appeared on the bestseller list since October 2006. Cecil recently received the first ever lifetime achievement award from the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. He was recognized for his excellent writing and for his selfless mentoring in the Christian writing community. For more information about Cecil Murphey, visit his website at www.TheManBehindTheWords.com.
Lorinda K.F. Newton reviews homeschool resources for the HOME newsletter and homeschools her eight-year-old son. She and her family live in Kirkland, Washington.
John Pennell is a prolific, local Christian poet and the OCACW Devotion Leader.

Renee Srch

Renée writes her blog at MotherhoodAutismAndGod.blogspot.com and her Pinterest handle has the same name. You can also follow her on Twitter at Renee Srch@SrchRenee
Sally Stuart (Aloha, Oregon) has been writing for 40 years--full-time for the last twenty-two. She has also put out twenty-two editions of the Christian Writers' Market Guide, the only market guide that specifically targets the Christian market. In addition she has published a dozen other books, and countless articles and columns. As marketing columnist for Christian Communicator, The Advanced Christian Writer, and Oregon Writers, she is considered the leading authority on the Christian market. She is in demand as a conference speaker nationwide. Sally is the mother of three and grandmother of eight.
James Tate, author

· Tale of Tails with a Thirst for Verse. Heartwarming book about life, love, God, nature, science, and family. See it at Amazon. (Case sensitive) http://amzn.to/LC8rJ7

· I God to Prepare a Place. See inside Heaver’s wonders & take a trip to distant planets.
· Plus, more than 700 short pieces in Saturday Evening Post, Route 66 magazine, & others.

  RJ Thesman, author, writing coach
RJ Thesman is an Author, Writing Coach and Editor. Connect with her at: https://RJThesman.net, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj4ngAzD-48seT-VUsJZ4fw?view_as=subscriber
Susan A. Willingham is newsletter editor and Treasurer for the Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers. She also writes the Grammar Guru and World of Words columns for the newsletter.

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