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Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers

God's pen - inspiring Christian writers throughout history
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Ozarks Chapter American Christian Writers

Download: Newsletter Topic Ideas.pdf

Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers – Writer’s Topic Ideas

Submission E-mail: OzarksACW@yahoo.com

Renee Vaiko Srch, Newsletter Managing Editor
Jeanetta Chrystie, Assistant Editor

PURPOSE: To encourage, inspire, and train Christians to write well and maximize publication opportunities.


  1. Feature Articles:
    · how to write in a particular genre,
    · how to edit your writing, and
    · other “how to” ideas related to writing.
    Five front page features per year, by regularly published professional writers.
  2. General Articles: (Length 650-850 words, published writers and beginners welcome.)
    · any topics related to writing or to the writing life,
    · inspire Christians to put God’s unique messages to them on paper,
    · dealing with rejection letters,
    · beating procrastination,
    · managing your time,
    · taxes issues,
    · finding markets,
    · writing contests, etc.
  3. Fillers:
    · small articles related to writing,
    · writer’s conference reviews,
    · summaries of how a particular meeting speaker helped you, etc.
  4. Poetry about inspiration, purpose, writing, and some seasonal topics for our audience.
  5. Quotations: positive tone about change, purpose, ministry, work, and similar topics.


  1. Devotions that encourage, inspire, and teach (not preach to) Christian writers.
  2. Book Reviews: Query before submission on book reviews only.
  3. Articles: All web site articles are selected from newsletter articles, so see topics above.
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Training and Educating Christians to Write, base in Springfield, Missouri