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Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers

God's pen - inspiring Christian writers throughout history
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Ozarks Chapter American Christian Writers
      • Are you a Christian writer seeking fellowship and inspiration?
      • Do you want to learn about Christian markets and publishers?
      • Do you feel God's call to write yet don't know where to start?

September 2024 meeting topics

  1. Mini-series Q "21 Words to Cut from Your Writing" by Brandon McNutty
  2. Speakers/Topic: "Marketing Your Writing" by Rebecca Thesman
  3. Critique groups meet at a restaurant over lunch

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Topic: OCACW Sep 2024 Meeting
Time: Sep 14,, 2024 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 5030 2063
Passcode: 768018


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Meeting ID: 885 5030 2063
Passcode: 768018

Non-members, please click here to request Zoom access to the meeting.
First meeting free.

Non-members, may click here to request a membership application;
include a mailing address where the application can be sent.

Next OCACW Meeting Sep14, 2024

Meeting Schedule

Second Saturday Monthly September - May
Join us as we celebrate our 19th year

(Fragrance Free Meetings Please)

Jan 11, 2025
Sep 14, 2024
Feb 8, 2025
Oct 12, 2024
Mar 8, 2025
Nov 9, 2024
Apr 12, 2025
Dec 14, 2024
May 10, 2025

Gathering 9:30 - 10:00
Meeting 10:00 - Noon (Fragrance Free Meetings Please)
Meeting Location

1010 South National, Springfield, MO
University Heights Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall 1st floor, corner of Grand and National.

Critique Groups

Following meeting: Meet during lunch at a location chosen during the main meeting.

Approximate Time: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
OCACW Members: bring 5-10 copies for Read-Around Critiques
Visitors are welcome to listen and learn.

We host a Summer book club June - August.
We do not have Chapter meetings during June, July and August.

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Training and Educating Christians to Write, base in Springfield, Missouri