Chapter of American Christian Writers |
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Upcoming 2011 Christian Writers Conferences |
FEBRUARY 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. CA - CASTRO VALLEY CHRISTIAN WRITERS SEMINAR. Castro Valley; February 2011. Contact: Pastor Jon Drury, 19300 Redwood Rd., Castro Valley CA 94546-3465. (510) 886-6300. Fax (510) 581-5022. E-mail: jdrury@redwoodchapel.org. Website: www.christianwriter.org. No editors/agents in attendance. Offers full or partial scholarships. Attendance: 200. 2. CO - JERRY B. JENKINS CHRISTIAN WRITERS GUILD WRITING FOR THE SOUL CONFERENCE. Grand Hyatt, Denver; February 9-12, 2011. Sponsored by the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild. Host: Jerry B. Jenkins. Speakers for 2010 include Max Lucado, Phil Vischer, and Philip Yancey. Appointments with publishers’ reps & agents. More than 30 editors & agents in attendance. Payment plans available. Special meal rates offered for nonparticipating spouses or parents of teens. General sessions with national keynote speakers and in-depth workshops on 6 tracks. Contact: Admissions Manager, 5525 N. Union Blvd., Ste. 200, Colorado Springs CO 80918. Toll-free (866) 495-5177 (866) 495-5177. Fax (719) 495-5181. E-mail: ContactUs@christianwritersguild.com. Website: www.christianwritersguild.com. Offers partial scholarships. Attendance: 400. MARCH 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. FLORIDA CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE. Lake Yale Conference Center; Leesburg FL; March 2011. Contact: Billie Wilson, 2344 Armour Ct., Titusville FL 32780. (321) 269-5831. Fax (321) 747-0246. E-mail: billiewilson@cfl.rr.com. Website: www.flwriters.org. Offers advanced track (15 hours of class time—by application only) & teen track. Speakers: Cec Murphey & Jerry Jenkins. Editors and agents in attendance. Offers full & partial scholarships. Offers awards in 11 categories. Awards open to registrants; mss submitted to conference for review are considered for an award. Attendance: 350. 2. OH - WRITE ON! WORKSHOP. Dayton; March 26, 2011. Contact: Valerie L. Coleman, Pen of the Writer, PMB 175—893 S. Main St., Dayton OH 45322. (937) 307-0760. Fax (515) 474-3643. E-mail: info@penofthewriter.com. Website: www.penofthewriter.com. Speakers: Valerie L. Coleman & Wendy Beckman. Editors in attendance. Full and partial scholarships. Attendance: 50. 3. WA - BUILDING YOUR WRITING WINGS. Spokane; March 19, 2011. Contact: Jan Cline, Director. Email: jancline@ymail.com. Website: www.inwchristianwriters.webs.com. Keynote Speaker: Jim Rubart, author of ROOMS. APRIL 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. TX - EAST TEXAS CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE. Marshall;April 8-9, 2011 (2nd weekend of April annually). Contact: Dr. Jerry Hopkins, East Texas Baptist University, 1209 N. Grove St., Marshall TX 75670. (903) 923-2083. Fax (903) 923-2077. E-mail: Jhopkins@etbu.edu. Website: www.etbu.edu/news/CWC/default.htm. Offers an advanced & teen track; contest. Editors/agents in attendance. Partial scholarships for students only. Attendance: 200. 2. CA - MOUNT HERMON CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE. Mount Hermon (near Santa Cruz); April 15-19, 2011. Also offers a Career Track for professional writers (details on Website); and a teen track. Contact: Rachel A. Williams, Box 413, Mount Hermon CA 95041-0413. (831) 335-4466. Fax (831) 335-9213. E-mail: rachel.williams@mounthermon.org. Website: www.mounthermon.org/adult/professionals/writers-conference (no brochure; all details on Website December 1). Many editors and agents in attendance. Offers partial scholarships. Cash awards. Attendance: 450. 3. CA - ORANGE COUNTY CHRISTIAN WRITERS FELLOWSHIP SPRING WRITERS DAY. Mariners Church/Irvine; April 2011. Contact: John DeSimone, dir.; Peg Matthew Rose, ed., PO Box 5056, Fullerton CA 92838. (714) 538-7070. Fax (949) 458-1807. E-mail: editor@occwf.org. Website: www.occwf.org. Editors and possibly agents in attendance. Offers full and partial scholarships. See Website for list of faculty and conference date. Attendance: 100-150+. 4. IA - QUAD-CITIES CHRISTIAN WRITERS’ CONFERENCE. Eldridge; April 2011. Contact: Twila Belk, 4350 Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA 52722. (563) 332-1622 (563) 332-1622. e-mail: twilabelk@mchsi.com. Website: www.qccwc.com. Speakers include: Cynthia Ruchti, Jim Pence. No editors or agents in attendance. Offers full scholarships. Attendance 100+. 5. KS - Called To Write. Girard/Pittsburg; April 2011. Contact: Deborah Vogts, 17300 Ness Rd., Erie KS 66733. E-mail: debvogts@gmail.com. Website: www.christianwritersfellowship.blogspot.com. Speaker: Cec Murphey. Attendance: 50-60. 6. TX - INSPIRATIONAL WRITERS ALIVE! AMARILLO SEMINAR. April 30, 2011 (always first Saturday after Easter). Contact: Jerry McClenagan, 6808 Cloud Crest, Amarillo TX 79124. (806) 355-7117 (806) 355-7117. E-mail: jerrydalemc@sbcglobal.net. Sponsors an annual contest. Attendance: 50. MAY 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. CA - BIOLA MEDIA CONFERENCE. La Mirada; April or May 2011 (date varies). Contact: Craig Detweiler, Biola University, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada CA 90639. Toll-free (866) 334-2266 (866) 334-2266. Website: www.biolamedia.com. 2. COLORADO CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE. Estes Park; May 2011 at the YMCA of the Rockies. Director: Marlene Bagnull, LittD, 316 Blanchard Rd., Drexel Hill, PA 19026-3507. Phone/fax (610) 626-6833. E-mail: mbagnull@aol.com. Website: www.writehisanswer.com/Colorado. Conferees choose 6 hour-long workshops from 42 offered or a Fiction or Nonfiction Clinic (by application) plus one 6.5 hour continuing session from 7 offered. One-on-one appointments, paid critiques, editors’ panels, and general sessions. Teens Write Saturday afternoon, plus teens are welcome to attend the entire conference at 60 percent off. Contest awards (registered conferees only. Faculty of 60 authors, editors, and agents. Attendance: 260. 3. GEORGIA CHRISTIAN WRITERS’ SPRING FESTIVAL. Atlanta area; May 2011 (first Saturday in May each year). Contact: Lloyd Blackwell, 3049 Scott Rd. N.E., Marietta GA 30066. (770) 421-1203 (770) 421-1203. E-mail: lloydblackwell@worldnet.att.net. JUNE 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. WRITE TO PUBLISH CONFERENCE. Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL; June 8-10, 2011. Director: Lin Johnson; sponsored by WordPro Communication Services, 9118 W. Elmwood Dr. Ste. 1G, Niles, IL 60714-5820. Phone: 847-296-3964, FAX: 847-296-0754, E-mail: lin@writetopublish.com. Conferees choose from about 7 continuing sessions and more than 40 workshops in many topics and genre. One-on-one appointments, paid critiques, editors’ panels, and general sessions. Contest awards (registered conferees only. Faculty of 42 authors, editors, and agents. Attendance: 300. AUGUST 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. American Christian Writers Conference - here in Springfield, Missouri. August 6, 2011. Lamplighter Inn-North (near Cracker Barrell restaurant) off I-44 & I-65 interchange, at 2820 N. Glenstone Avenue. For more information, http://www.acwriters.com/ or phone 1-800-21-WRITE, or e-mail ACWriters@aol.com for a free writers information packet which explains the many services we offer. 2. PHILADELPHIA CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE. Philadelphia Biblical University, 200 manor Avenue, Langhorne, PA, 19047; August 10-13, 2011. Director: Marlene Bagnull, LittD, 316 Blanchard Rd., Drexel Hill, PA 19026-3507. Phone/fax (610) 626-6833. E-mail: mbagnull@aol.com. Website: www.WriteHisAnswer.com/Philadelphia. Conferees choose 6 hour-long workshops from 42 offered or a Fiction or Nonfiction Clinic (by application) plus one 6.5 hour continuing session from 7 offered. One-on-one appointments, paid critiques, editors’ panels, and general sessions. Teens Write Saturday afternoon, plus teens are welcome to attend the entire conference at 60 percent off. Contest awards (registered conferees only. Faculty of 60 authors, editors, and agents. Attendance: 260. SEPTEMBER 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. OH - PEN TO PAPER LITERARY SYMPOSIUM. Dayton; October 1-2, 2010; September 30-October 1, 2011. Contact: Valerie L. Coleman, Pen of the Writer, 893 S. Main St., PMB 175, Dayton OH 45322. (937) 307-0760. Fax (515) 474-3643. E-mail: info@penofthewriter.com. Website: www.penofthewriter.com/pentopaper. Editors/agents in attendance. For Power Awards contest details, go to: www.penofthewriter.com/awards. October 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. CLASS
Christian Writers Conference, Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM.
The exact 2011 date has not been set, so keep watching http://classeminars.org/Events/Writers-Conference/ for
more information. It is usually in late October or early November.
Director: Marita Littauer, CLASSeminars.org, Phone 702 882-0638;
Address: OTHER UPCOMING 2011 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. CA - WRITERS SYMPOSIUM BY THE SEA. San Diego/Point Loma Nazarene University; Contact: Dean Nelson, Professor, Journalism Dept., PLNU, 3900 Lomaland Dr., San Diego CA 92106. (619) 849-2592. Fax (619) 849-2566. E-mail: deannelson@pointloma.edu. Website: www.pointloma.edu/writers. No editors/agents in attendance. No scholarships. Attendance: 500. 2. IN - BETHEL COLLEGE CHRISTIAN WRITERS’ WORKSHOP. Bethel College/Mishawaka; spring 2011. Contact: English Dept. Chair, 1001 W. McKinley Ave., Mishawaka IN 46544. (574) 257-3427 (574) 257-3427. Website: www.BethelCollege.edu/writersworkshop. Editors sometimes in attendance; no agents. Sometimes offers full or partial scholarships. Attendance: 130. UPCOMING 2012 - CHRISTIAN WRITERS' CONFERENCES 1. MI - FESTIVAL OF FAITH & WRITING. Calvin College, Grand Rapids; April 2012 (held every other year). Contact: Shelly LeMahieu Dunn, Calvin College, 1795 Knollcrest Cir. S.E., Grand Rapids MI 49546. (616) 526-6770. Fax (616) 526-8508. E-mail: ffw@calvin.edu. Website: www.calvin.edu/festival. Editors/agents in attendance; no scholarships. 2. LITTWORLD CONFERENCE. Next conference won’t be held until 2012. Contact: John D. Maust, director, 351 S. Main Pl., Ste. 230, Carol Stream IL 60188-2455. (630) 260-9063. Fax (630) 260-9265. E-mail: MaiLittWorld@sbcglobal.net. Website: www.littworld.org. |